41.  As a brand, Wachovia will leap from relative national obscurity to the name of the No. 4 bank in the country.

42.  As a busy trial lawyer here, her professional life did not stop just because her marriage seemed suddenly to have become the country's business.

43.  Department of Communications spokesman Moore said Ireland made that formal application June 13 in order to give the country more time to ready itself for competition.

44.  Department of Communications spokesman Richard Moore said Ireland made that formal application June 13 in order to give the country more time to ready itself for competition.

45.  Departments of literature across the country have not succeeded in alienating them from books, works old and new.

46.  Depending on the country selected, the incentive is worth up to $299.

47.  Depending on the mix of countries, Asian funds were down anywhere from 15 percent to 35 percent last year.

48.  Depending upon the recipe, consider Italian-style flatbreads, flaky biscuits, rustic country breads, cornbread or toasted pita triangles and tortillas.

49.  Desperate to keep money from leaving the country, the government first froze bank accounts and decreed that Argentines could withdraw no more than $1,000 a month.

50.  Desperate women may sit in the very back of a vehicle as it roars along on a rough country road in hopes of shaking the embryo loose.

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