31.  Any talk of broad tax cuts, Democrats say, must wait until the country solves the looming problems of Social Security.

32.  Deserted by much of his army and regular police, Berisha has imposed a state of emergency and instructed the country's notorious secret police force to enforce it.

33.  Denverites now chuckle about whether Pena, transportation secretary in President Clinton's cabinet, will do for the country what he did for them.

34.  Desertification and deforestation are accelerating in many countries, local water shortages are expanding into regional crises and about half of the world's fisheries have been overharvested.

35.  Designed to resemble an ancient Roman street, this theme mall has among the highest sales per square foot of any in the country.

36.  Cultivating relationships, especially in countries where financial credibility is in question, is very important.

37.  Cultural differences also play a role in how countries are approaching the critical period from Dec. 31 to Jan. 2.

38.  Cultural officials from Central America met with the Clinton administration in Los Angeles on Wednesday to find ways to halt the theft of archeological treasures from their countries.

39.  Cultural, linguistic and regulatory differences among Asian countries also militate against the creation of pan-Asian companies.

40.  Culture Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, discussing "linguistic politics," remarks: "A few centuries ago, we invaded countries.

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