1.  Although it is working on a legal and technological framework, copyright laws for electronic delivery of music don't yet exist.

2.  Anyone can take and improve on this software code, which is unprotected by corporations or copyright laws.

3.  Current copyright law allows cable companies to retransmit local broadcast network signals for a set fee.

4.  Current law is fuzzy on whether they can do that, so it's asking the copyright office to weigh in.

5.  Deutsch said the NBA's copyright interpretation could extend to controlling publication of box scores, a fear that seems extreme.

6.  Despite a new international treaty asserting that copyright does exist in the digital realm, experts still disagree about its application.

7.  Despite copyright protection, legal experts said, establishing ownership of such expressions is as elusive as bottling the wind.

8.  Did Morrison have some kind of copyright fire sale recently?

9.  Developing this copyright protection turns out to be no small technological challenge.

10.  Disney argued the copyright had begun in 1923 when the book was published in German, without a U.S. Copyright notice, and expired in 1951.

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