61.  As for the proposals themselves, critics say they define copyright violation far too broadly.

62.  Even then, unless the game has a singular electronic or mechanical aspect, often trademark and copyright are more important _ and cheaper to obtain.

63.  EMusic's suit just piggybacks onto the cases already on file, said one copyright law expert.

64.  Extending a copyright simply awards a longer monopoly on something already created.

65.  Excessive copyright terms hurt the general public but feather the nests of copyright interest groups.

66.  Failing that, they'll ask Congress to legislate copyright protections by makers of electronic products.

67.  Fair Use is the doctrine that provides exceptions to exclusivity of copyright protection for criticism, commentary, news, teaching, scholarship, and research.

68.  Faced with the dire implications of such a scenario, the entertainment industry is pressing Congress to quickly approve two international treaties to strengthen copyright enforcement on the Internet.

69.  Fearing the program would diminish their profits, a consortium of major and minor record labels sued Napster for copyright infringement in December 1999.

70.  Fearing the widespread use of Napster will drain revenues, major record labels represented by the Recording Industry Association of America sued Napster for copyright infringement last December.

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