61.  As a comparison, the city annually collects 120,000 tons of trash at curbside.

62.  As a comparison, there are 1,460 grocery stores in the city.

63.  Cuomo said that by immersing himself in the social and day-to-day life of the city, he got a better sense of state government.

64.  DeRegis said that he supported the project after Congel made certain financial assurances to protect the city's interests.

65.  Derek Jeter wasn't sure if the entire city wouldn't get out of control.

66.  Derek Lowe predicted that Ramirez would get the key to the city.

67.  Despite all the pumping, downpours can still bring the city to a standstill.

68.  Despite all the talk, the battle for Rochester remains but a distant rumble in most of the city.

69.  Despite all these advances, the brown cloud still hangs over the city on windless days.

70.  Despite being abolished as a city a century ago, Brooklyn has retained an identity that is known throughout the world.

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