51.  As a citizen of Belgrade I would like to get all these people off the street and set up the newly-elected city government."

52.  As a city girl, she is also not prepared for the hard labor facing her in the sugar-cane fields.

53.  As a city of that state, Washington would have broader powers than it does today under its restricted independence.

54.  As a city official, Umeoka said, he had standing orders to report to City Hall immediately in the event of a big earthquake.

55.  Delgadillo has had a charmed career in his quick rise to job as the city's top lawyer.

56.  Delighted with the popularity of the playground, van Eyck designed over 700 more such play areas throughout the city over the next 30 years.

57.  Delivered in a lingo that seems to have sprung from the pavement, the smartly edited series catches the city's jagged pace and beat-up face.

58.  Dell said every city cannot copy Austin's methods and get the same results.

59.  Despite a long period of relative harmony in the city, Bradley's tenure was marked at the beginning and at the end by racial strife.

60.  Despite alarming crime rates, air pollution and horrific traffic, the city is probably more interesting and vibrant than it has ever been.

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