81.  Hospitals are choosing different strategies for building up these bigger patient bases.

82.  If all goes according to plan, Georgia consumers next fall will be choosing from among competing natural gas companies to heat their homes and businesses.

83.  In addition, more and more Americans are choosing cremation, which costs far less.

84.  In a sense, he was also choosing between internal peace and external peace, both of which he had promised to pursue.

85.  In other parts of the planet, of course, they have been choosing their Olympic teams this way for years.

86.  In presidential elections, the people are choosing a person, not just a bundle of policies.

87.  In folding Mungo Park, Microsoft is choosing to concentrate more efforts at promoting Expedia.com.

88.  Increasingly, Greens are choosing the latter.

89.  Indeed, few homeowners are choosing ARMs these days.

90.  Increasing numbers of people are choosing not to enter the labor market, possibly in order to remain at school or join training courses, analysts said.

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