31.  As a result, younger people are increasingly choosing a cruise for one of those shorter vacations.

32.  As the holiday season approaches, Southern California travelers are overwhelmingly choosing road trips over flight plans.

33.  As times have changed, more and more folks are choosing to celebrate Halloween in their homes, schools and community centers rather than focusing on door-to-door visits.

34.  At the same time, a growing portion of younger couples are choosing to live together rather than marry.

35.  At midterm and counting, Clinton is choosing to pursue an Eisenhower strategy, which has the left wing of his party sputtering and gasping for breath.

36.  At that same time, growing numbers of single women and lesbian couples are choosing to conceive using donor sperm.

37.  A growing number of adults are choosing to end their marriages later in life.

38.  A more important criterion to Bush may simply be choosing someone with whom he is extremely comfortable.

39.  A group of young men is choosing sides for a game.

40.  A record number of Canadian companies are choosing to finance expansion by issuing corporate bonds to investors looking for more risky securities that pay higher returns.

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