71.  Moreover, in stating a preference, she chooses her career.

72.  Mrs Murray has chosen Sir Thomas for her daughter Rosalie, who is not averse to becoming the mistress of his estate.

73.  Nowadays more and more people are choosing to buy unadulterated organic food, which has been grown without pesticides and chemicals.

74.  Nursing service administrators are usually chosen from among supervisory registered nurses with administrative abilities and a graduate degree in nursing administration.

75.  On the heavy sticky clays farmers have chosen to keep livestock.

76.  Parliament has chosen to discharge this function by placing primary responsibility upon a scrutiny committee formed especially for the purpose.

77.  People choose jobs for other reasons besides money.

78.  Perhaps women choose this style because it fits with their own, perfectly valid interactional or social goals.

79.  Physicists do not generally choose their mates from among subsistence farmers.

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