51.  Instead of red convertibles and toupees, they are choosing a new perspective, one that values life over lifestyle.

52.  It has chosen to steer a middle course between them rather than undertake a strategic review.

53.  Local party members choose the election candidates.

54.  Manufacturers now choose to emphasize the naturalness of the ingredients used in their products.

55.  Many choose to work in developing countries out of altruism.

56.  Many indeed will choose to remain free riders, benefiting from services and entitlements to which they contribute little, if anything.

57.  Many management researchers choose to publish the reflexive account separately from the study findings.

58.  Many of the most highly regarded chefs choose their menus after seeing for themselves which the freshest foods are at the Market!

59.  Many open meetings choose to have one or more speakers address the group, rather than adopting an interactive format.

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