31.  Adult literacy campaigns aim to improve writing as well as reading.

32.  After a ferocious election campaign, religious conservatives lost their majority on the board in November.

33.  After a promising start, the campaign fizzled out in the summer when the full Co-operative Congress refused to back it.

34.  After one recent ad campaign the chairman of Mexfam stepped down, insisting that Mexfam adopt a lower profile.

35.  After speaking on the Senate floor in the morning, he stepped on the chartered campaign plane in a dark suit.

36.  Age-sensitive political issues such as Social Security and Medicare will play a major role in the campaign, of course.

37.  Al-Qaeda began waging a campaign of terrorist violence against the West.

38.  Alan Duncan, who let his Westminster house be used for the Major leadership campaign.

39.  Alexander often cites the company, Child Care INC., in his campaign speeches to emphasize his entrepreneurial skills.

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