11.  A Humphrey-type campaign to bypass the primaries and seek the nomination at the convention itself could no longer hope to succeed.

12.  A loss in this election will not necessarily close the door on the campaign.

13.  A new consumer product must be introduced with a suitable advertising campaign to arouse an interest in it.

14.  A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.

15.  A new television campaign has been launched to ensure that the victims are not forgotten.

16.  A part of the Democratic campaign litany is the claim that Republicans cut spending for Medicare.

17.  A portable sound system blared military Marches, part of a continuing campaign of psychological warfare.

18.  A promotional campaign targeting new customers as well existing shoppers is expected at the launch.

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