1.  I have got C in the final exams.

2.  If we want to learn English, we should start with A, B, C and D.

3.  Steve Jobs is the father of the C programming language, and with fellow Bell Labs researcher Ken Thompson, he used C to build UNIX, the operating system that so much of the world is built on - including the Apple empire overseen by Steve Jobs.

4.  "Pretty much everything on the web uses those two things: C and UNIX, " Pike tells Wired. "

5.  The browsers are written in C.

6.  The UNIX kernel - that pretty much the entire Internet runs on - is written in C. Web servers are written in C, and if they're not, they're written in Java or C++, which are C derivatives, or Python or Ruby, which are implemented in C.

7.  And all of the network hardware running these programs I can almost guarantee were written in C.

8.  Even Windows was once written in C, he adds, and UNIX underpins both Mac OS X, Apple's desktop operating system, and iOS, which runs the iPhone and the iPad.

9.  C: Riding a bicycle is a country sport so we can go to riding with our family or our friends , it is good for communicating with other people.

10.  C: When we are free, we are capable of travelling by riding a bicycle and we will make a lot of friends all the way.

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