91.  Questions of theoretical base or methodological perspective have often been subsumed by or channelled into the construction of acceptable written examinations.

92.  Read in studio Eight daredevils have conquered a six hundred foot power station chimney, by abseiling down it for charity.

93.  Realizing that he was the better fighter, I Decided to gain the upper hand by launching a surprise attack.

94.  Reichardt is currently experimenting with free-range ducks, which are raised in an open field bordered by nearby trees to provide shade.

95.  Seven days later, Gingrich admitted violating House rules by, among other things, submitting false information to the ethics committee.

96.  She dropped her robe on to the stool near by and stepped into the water, sinking slowly down into the warmth.

97.  She had only ever seen them at a distance before, or whizzing by in their cars.

98.  She has learned to put up with the constant roar of trucks and cars whizzing by.

99.  She thought that she could build a successful business of her own by offering herself as an agent to authors she chose.

100.  Smoking on a train journey, looking out at the countryside whizzing by.

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