71.  A village-based fabric weaving and dyeing business was quite unused to the sudden whims and vagaries of the capitalist fashion industry.

72.  A well-run firm must strive to maintain an appropriate balance between business and financial risk.

73.  A worthwhile alternative to becoming a business tycoon is to devote your energies to voluntary work.

74.  A year ago there were eight businesses in the two blocks on the north side of Sixth Street.

75.  About one in five of all trips are made for business purposes.

76.  About ten thousand people were moved out, not counting the ones who owned small businesses along the edge.

77.  According to Cox, nearly one job is lost among subcontractors and small service businesses for every manufacturing job that goes away.

78.  According to him, greedy business people often looked to the government for help in maintaining their position.

79.  According to Robin Williams, who plays Peter, the character has the business world at his mercy.

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