91.  After a week, Loppe handed the task back to Galiot, mentioning that business required him in Kouklia.

92.  After all, it is orders that businesses need to provide jobs and to guarantee employment.

93.  After all, its merits were preached by our business schools for several Decades.

94.  After all, Symington, like them, is a man who seems to prefer politicking about business to just doing business.

95.  After all, their brokers and investment bankers win business by being optimists, not pessimists.

96.  After all, they have to take business Decisions and use sport as part of a commercial product.

97.  After appearing to be in terminal Decline the monarchy is back in business.

98.  After dad retired, I managed his estate and business affairs.

99.  After finishing his apprenticeship he set up a business with this uncle, but it failed.

100.  After five quarters in the red, the business will soon be profitable.

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