61.  For a long period of time, men have been those who brought home the bacon and women played the role of housewives, taking care of other family members.

62.  To some extent, however, women have been restricted by such traditional social expectations.

63.  Virtually, the stereotype of women's inferiority has gradually been eliminated as the society progress.

64.  In one of the most peculiar revolts to have been inspired by the Arab uprisings, al-Qatani and dozens of other women have taken to the streets - not on foot but behind the wheel.

65.  It has been a significant issue whether women and men should play the same role in the past history.

66.  On the other hand, in the result of the development of education, women themselves realized their unfair \

67.  Secondly, the self-consciousness of women has developed so much that everyone has been aware of the truth that women and men are equal.

68.  I have learned English for eleven years , but still now , I have not been interested in it , so I think there must be some problems of the method for my English learning .

69.  This theory has been proved by the scientific community.

70.  Many women did what had originally been especially for men quite well and so do men.

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