11.  "\

12.  Entering university and working hard for a good job may have been most students' stereotype.

13.  As a result, more and more experts have been considering whether the education is fair or not.

14.  In their opinion, although we have graduated from high school and have been undergraduates for a long time, we are still on behalf of hard-working.

15.  I had been frustrated when shopkeepers recommended items which were suitable for high school students.

16.  I tried hard to pretend to be poker-faced while my heart had been wild with joy.

17.  When we assembled together at noon, I astounded to find that our central topic was about how many paisanas had been regarded as freshman.

18.  I tried hard to pretend to be poker-faced while my heart had been wild with joy.

19.  When we assembled together at noon, I surprised to find that our central topic was about how many girls had been regarded as the freshman.

20.  God/Goddess, Study-King/Queen and Everyman\

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