51.  At noon, about twelve o'clock we began to have lunch.

52.  When we arrived at the middle of lake, one of my friends falled to the lake, we were very worried .at this time, the boy who named Men Yang, jumped into the lade , saved my friend, when we pull then out of the water, luckily they were not badly hurt .

53.  When I studied at a middle school, I liked riding my old bick to go to school.

54.  I looked at him while he was to working in my bike.

55.  At first I thought he was a bicycle repair man, but later I knew he was b worker and also on his way home."

56.  looking at his dirty hands I than bed him gain and again.

57.  I looked at his way for a long time, tears coming into my eyes.

58.  At the running , eight runners are both try their best to run fast.

59.  At that time I was about twelve years old.

60.  but when I know the truth, my face turned red at me .

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