21.  At ten when I got to school.

22.  At the sport-meeting, Our Class got few good scholartics .

23.  He went ahead and looked at the road, he thought the road hasn't difference .

24.  At the age of twenty-one, he joined the army and then d5,1-0] became a Party member .

25.  A man cried his wares at his newspaper a loud voice at the public square: "A astonishing of defraud ncident .

26.  At this time.

27.  The brave man "I rushed into my boss's office as a tiger, and patted energetically at his table, desired him to increase the wages for me!!"

28.  "My classmates, felt envy at me.

29.  In a twinkling, My classmate's sight were centralizing at me.

30.  At the end of the Chinese test, a classmate asked me a question , I told him my answer, He believed my answer and changed his answer, though my answer is not right, but Mr Zhu often said this answer is right, After the test, Mr Zhu said this answer is wrong, I was quite sorry to my classmate .

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