81.  As a result, researchers like Coller are striking it rich with tax dollars.

82.  Dollar signs The Green Bay Packers, the NFL's only publicly owned team, are thinking of charging the 47,000 people on their season ticket waiting list.

83.  Don't take home things that need repair (refinishing is an exception) or are missing pieces.

84.  Display ads saying, "Help Us Save Part of Pittsburg's History," are appearing in the Pittsburg /{Morning Sun/}.

85.  Ditties like this are called mnemonics, devices for aiding the memory.

86.  Do school officials intend to frisk every girl in a gown and every boy in a tuxedo to be certain they are not spiriting alcohol into the dance?

87.  Dosage is uncontrollable because specimens vary greatly in composition, change strength in time and are smoked in different ways.

88.  Do you want to know exactly how much apartments are selling for in the building of your dreams?

89.  DeMane Davis and Khari Streeter, the directors of "Lift," are still waiting.

90.  Don't ask why a French station specializes in Irish music; the ways of the Irish are too complicated for me to understand.

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