61.  Dik said, "But if you look at a Peanuts cartoon, you know the adults are there; you just never see them."

62.  Do you think those men are going to roll out the red carpet and ask him into Cooperstown?

63.  December M3 money supply figures, due out this week from the Bundesbank, are also expected to show scant inflationary risk.

64.  Do they have their child on a fairly strict schedule, or are they loose about nap time, mealtime, and so forth?

65.  Documentaries have been done, more are on the way; books and a CD-ROM are in the works.

66.  Doctors, too, are being asked to participate by assessing and counseling patients about their physical activity.

67.  Does he still want to be introduced at rallies as SENATOR Dole, as many former senators are?

68.  Does the individual leader make that much difference, or are Americans prepared to give the same level of support to any president in times of crisis?

69.  Does this mean we blessed Americans are immune from acid rain and depletion of the ozone layer and oil spills?

70.  Dogs, which are attracted to the hopping creatures, can be poisoned by licking them, and die within 15 minutes.

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