81.   Also, parents should consider using the resources of the school system whenever possible.

82.   Although considerations of cost should be considered, they should not dominate the debate.

83.   Although considered in need of assessment or treatment, these women did not require compulsory admission, with the attendant limits on civil liberties.

84.   Although described as core troops, you might consider including smaller units of Boar Boyz in a supporting role.

85.   Although his proposal of plural worlds was considered heretical, it is difficult to believe it was that which determined his fate.

86.   Although linguistic diversity was considered a positive asset, bilingualism in maintained schools was not supported.

87.   Although several might yet face tough races, none of the most prominent Republican governors would be considered underdogs for re-election.

88.   Although the pulsed dye laser is often considered of limited value in mature portwine stain, Tan has recently reported excellent results.

89.   Although this book only covers the United States compliance regulations, it is nevertheless considered a very valuable addition to the literature.

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