51.   After all, whatever interpretation of the Bible is considered, it remains an accurate account of human behaviour.

52.   After carefully considering this request, the council rejected it.

53.   After considering his options, Henderson left Tandem in March for another job.

54.   After Deciding that a paper looks, feels and smells to your liking, a few other factors should be considered.

55.   After dismissing it out of hand, the neighbor called back the same night and said it might be worth considering.

56.   After national newspaper headlines about racism in the town, Telford has begun to consider whether there is an undercurrent of prejudice.

57.   After repeated pleas he secured a medical board to consider his case.

58.   After that, the full board will consider the legislation.

59.   After the bomb threat, it was considered too much of a security risk to let the races go ahead.

60.   After the groups have had time to consider these questions, ask them to share their thoughts with the whole class.

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