1.   Analysts had been expecting the oil refiner to pass on to consumers the additional cost of imported crude arising from the weaker peso.

2.   And the weaker peso means that already low labor costs will drop even further.

3.   Besides higher debt-servicing costs because of the weaker peso, companies are also worrying about a slowdown in growth brought about by increased interest rates.

4.   Besides higher debt-servicing costs because of the weaker peso, companies also face a growth slowdown brought about by increased interest rates.

5.   A weaker Mexican peso against the dollar also hurt Mexican Brady bonds.

6.   A weaker peso also hurt stocks.

7.   A weaker peso could cause inflation to accelerate.

8.   A weaker peso could reduce fourth-quarter profit of Chilean companies with dollar-denominated debt, such as Endesa, Hurd said.

9.   A weaker peso energized the buying power of dollars that Los Angeles area residents like Flores send to relatives in Mexico.

10.   A weaker peso helped to drag prices lower.

a. + peso >>共 123
mexican 20.13%
philippine 19.91%
weaker 12.59%
stronger 7.47%
argentine 4.54%
strong 3.07%
weakening 2.12%
weak 2.12%
cuban 2.05%
stable 1.90%
weaker + n. >>共 456
dollar 14.49%
yen 14.35%
currency 10.03%
peso 4.92%
demand 4.80%
ringgit 2.26%
economy 2.11%
mark 1.63%
sale 1.57%
earnings 1.34%
每页显示:    共 171