1.   But it will defend equally vigorously the rights of women who choose to look after their children full-time.

2.   Carey vigorously defended his fund-raising methods.

3.   Frame said the suit is without merit and it will be defended vigorously.

4.   In an interview on Friday, Kerry vigorously defended his fund-raising.

5.   The club has vigorously defended the Mayor against attacks by other disabled advocates who say Brown has done little for them.

6.   The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.

7.   The schools vigorously defend the trips.

8.   Utilitarianism has been both vigorously defended and attacked in the last few Decades.

9.   We will defend vigorously the libel proceedings commenced us by Virgin and its owner and any other proceedings they choose to commence.

10.   American said that it would vigorously defend the case .

d. + defend >>共 338
also 15.10%
successfully 8.54%
vigorously 6.83%
strongly 4.37%
staunchly 3.20%
how 2.30%
fiercely 2.18%
not 1.87%
still 1.83%
well 1.76%
vigorously + v. >>共 266
deny 14.33%
defend 9.72%
oppose 8.89%
pursue 3.83%
campaign 3.72%
fight 2.89%
protest 2.33%
enforce 2.11%
shake 2.00%
lobby 1.94%
每页显示:    共 174