1.   The President also undertook not to veto decisions taken by the Cabinet.

2.   The teams were to operate by consensus, each having the power to veto decisions, none with the power to impose.

3.   Under an agreement known as the Luxembourg compromise, EC states can veto decisions that would hurt their vital interests.

4.   Any of the five permanent Security Council members, the U.S., Russia, China, the U.K. and France, can veto council decisions.

5.   A final decision could be vetoed, he said.

6.   China is one of five nations that can veto decisions by an institution that has taken a leadership role stanching ethnic and communal violence in world hotspots.

7.   Guinn vetoed the decision on Monday.

8.   Russia and China, both permanent members of the Security Council with the power to veto decisions there, are both opposed to outside military intervention in Kosovo.

9.   The bill soon to reach the Diet would eliminate the power of the finance minister to fire Bank of Japan officials and veto central bank decisions.

v. + decision >>共 346
make 32.57%
announce 5.27%
appeal 4.43%
take 4.00%
expect 3.85%
reach 3.05%
reverse 2.63%
say 1.84%
defend 1.77%
base 1.43%
veto 0.26%
veto + n. >>共 240
bill 32.41%
legislation 10.98%
measure 10.75%
resolution 6.18%
decision 2.57%
plan 2.19%
proposal 1.84%
law 1.65%
idea 1.31%
candidate 1.15%
每页显示:    共 67