71.   I think people feel empowered by these books.

72.   If one thread unites our choices, it is that these books are written by passionate gardeners and horticulturists who want to share their likes and dislikes.

73.   I gotta get back to work mailing these books.

74.   If you are looking for a gift for a true mystery fan, either of these books would be a great addition to a library.

75.   In congratulating this Dallas-based publisher, I should add that all of these books are beautifully bound and typeset and smartly jacketed.

76.   In fact, the real heroine of these books is the Ford modeling agency itself.

77.   In one way or another, each of these books begins with an understanding of how the Jewish canon has traditionally been viewed.

78.   In the best of these books, there is an emphasis on simplicity and vibrant flavors that is perfect for summer.

79.   In most of these books the failures are men, and Sandage said his research also reveals failure as a masculine category.

80.   In these books, the gentle guy gets the world.

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