41.   Breathing through these books is a whiff, sharp as wood smoke, of mortality and impending darkness, but even that proves not unwelcome.

42.   Both of these books are available in paperback editions.

43.   But a word of caution -- some of these books may have to be special ordered because of sudden demand.

44.   But collectors know the celebrity pedigree of these books should not be underestimated.

45.   But do these books say anything unique or new?

46.   But publishers and booksellers said they had no idea how these books made their way onto the sidewalk tables.

47.   But these books lie unread by all but a few scholars.

48.   But what makes these books interesting are not the numbers, but the relationships that are revealed.

49.   But these books are also testaments to the desire for pure knowledge by people whose minds adhered to categories.

50.   Buying these books is one way to allay the demons.

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