81.   Someone who buys a novel, for example, is legally free to re-sell that book at a used bookstore or a garage sale.

82.   That book also won the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award.

83.   That book continues to be thought of as the story of how one brother became a success and the other one failed.

84.   That book has been criticized by educational watchdog groups in New York and New Hampshire, as well as by House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

85.   That book is a melange of scrambled geography, photos that look doctored and unbelievably tall tales.

86.   That book is set in the El Paso YMCA.

87.   That book never materialized.

88.   That book was about class, especially the upper social strata of Boston and Philadelphia.

89.   That book was fashioned as the death-row memoir of a young woman whose involvement in a botched robbery spiraled into an amphetamine-fueled killing spree.

90.   That book was one of several in which Banfield found government programs to be foiled by a law of unintended consequences.

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