61.   I took that book and cared for it as if it were worth a million dollars.

62.   I was one of the few witnesses to the birth and instantaneous success of that book.

63.   In doing research for that book, Carroll discovered that many veterans had tossed their war correspondence.

64.   In that book, she demonstrated how every decision made by the homeowners and minority single mothers and politicians she interviewed had tremendous import.

65.   In that book, he also boasted of love affairs with numerous film stars, including Carole Lombard, Rita Hayworth and Ingrid Bergman.

66.   In that book, he vividly described the downward spiral of his own early life and the fierce hold that such crime stories have had for him ever after.

67.   In that book he explained how progressive government and native civility could clear the way to full citizenship for everyone.

68.   In that book, Reed recounted the scene in the Worcester nursing home that led to the ban on the very pursuit Payne contemplated.

69.   In that book he merged environmentalism and anarchism into a broader theory of how the state and capitalism are at war with nature.

70.   In that book, I feel like all those characters are me. . . .

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