1.   Clinton said Monday he would be willing to support legislation sponsored by Sen.

2.   First he supported the legislation and then we heard his special pleading for his constituency.

3.   Welfare feminists vociferously supported protective legislation, and equality feminists vehemently opposed it.

4.   The President also said that he would support legislation that would assist the states in implementing appropriate reforms in order to make voter registration easier for the American public.

5.   The crime was necessary, said the lawyer-MPs who supported the legislation, to preserve the integrity of the jury system.

6.   Although the legislation was supported overwhelmingly in the House last September, the property provision ran into trouble in the Senate, where it threatened the entire bill.

7.   Although the organization still supports some legislation, Norton said, the focus is evolving into convincing people of the need to observe a day of rest and worship.

8.   Although they contend that the White House has worked behind the scenes to support such legislation, a strong public stand by Clinton himself could tip the scales.

9.   American Automobile Manufacturers Association President Andy Card said his group supports legislation tying federal highway dollars to seat belt enforcement.

10.   An aide to Perry would not say whether the governor supports the legislation.

v. + legislation >>共 575
pass 13.30%
introduce 10.92%
approve 5.23%
sign 3.77%
support 3.69%
veto 3.50%
enact 2.69%
draft 2.68%
consider 2.27%
oppose 2.21%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
legislation 1.31%
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