1.   And how can the promoters guarantee such paydays before they see the bulk of their revenue?

2.   Administration officials say they have heard no such request, and they doubt that they could offer such a guarantee anyway.

3.   But Muhammad shrugged off the request, saying he could not make such a guarantee.

4.   Neither the House bill nor the one approved by the Finance Committee contains such a guarantee.

5.   No psychiatrist could give such a guarantee, he said.

6.   Oakland city officials deny making such a guarantee, and the Raiders have seldom sold out on the strength of their product.

7.   Rowland said Tuesday that such a guarantee might be sufficient, though lawyers would need to review it.

8.   Such a guarantee is not possible in most cases, she said.

9.   Such a guarantee, they say, has kept their work force stable with drivers who have good driving and safety records.

10.   Such a guarantee helped Viacom defeat the smaller QVC to acquire Paramount.

a. + guarantee >>共 275
constitutional 12.44%
federal 5.75%
financial 3.55%
written 3.55%
international 2.96%
legal 2.62%
such 2.45%
only 2.45%
new 2.28%
best 2.12%
such + n. >>共 1151
move 6.00%
system 1.96%
thing 1.65%
meeting 1.61%
plan 1.41%
case 1.15%
attack 1.10%
agreement 1.05%
step 1.04%
change 0.92%
guarantee 0.12%
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