1.   Energy stocks ended the year on the upside, enjoying higher natural gas prices and lower inventories.

2.   In Wellington, stocks ended lower, with forestry issues leading the Decline, as recent overseas interest dropped off.

3.   Auto stocks ended the week higher.

4.   Blue-chip stocks ended slightly higher Tuesday after recovering from a sharp selloff earlier in the session.

5.   About half the stocks ended last week lower than they ended the quarter.

6.   Business Week sees stocks ending the year up slightly.

7.   But the stocks ended the week higher, after the fare increases were reinstated.

8.   Colombian stocks ended a seven-day rally as share price slipped from their recent highs amid a lingering political crisis.

9.   Colombian stocks ended a four-day slump on optimism that interest rates will keep falling.

10.   Colombian stocks ended a three-day slump thanks to a gain by shares of Banco de Bogota following a stronger-than-expected earnings report last week.

n. + end >>共 1100
season 3.47%
war 2.70%
game 2.28%
stock 1.77%
talk 1.69%
price 1.60%
meeting 1.56%
trial 1.20%
term 1.14%
strike 1.08%
stock + v. >>共 329
fall 18.01%
rise 15.56%
be 12.01%
close 2.41%
tumble 1.54%
rally 1.48%
decline 1.48%
trade 1.43%
continue 1.35%
gain 1.27%
end 1.15%
每页显示:    共 291