1.   If witnesses and suspects are interviewed by state workers and evidence is handled, a criminal investigation would be hampered.

2.   One by one, chains operating stores in Maryland told state workers they would have to go elsewhere to fill prescriptions.

3.   Also yet to be considered are pay raises for state workers, increases in caseloads in public assistance programs and the cost of inflation.

4.   Amid threats of layoffs, he quickly settled a major contract with state workers.

5.   An executive order, which carries the force of law, is being used because the directive affects only state workers.

6.   And the spending cuts needed to cut the government deficit will mean laying off state workers.

7.   Another bill gives retired state workers annual pension increases for the first time.

8.   As a state worker settling medical malpractice claims, Maria-Kelly Yniguez often drafted documents in Spanish.

9.   Approval would let the government reduce the number of state workers, a key part of plans to slash federal spending and allow the government to balance the budget.

10.   As she spoke, a motorcyclist roared through the traffic cones, one of several to run the blockade, according to the state worker.

a. + worker >>共 830
foreign 4.63%
postal 3.69%
emergency 2.72%
migrant 2.36%
american 2.36%
state 2.23%
skilled 2.00%
striking 1.81%
palestinian 1.71%
illegal 1.70%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
worker 0.77%
每页显示:    共 428