1.   The renewed violence this week hardly augurs well for smooth or peaceful change.

2.   Hopes for peace dissolved in renewed violence.

3.   Following their agreement with the government the three opposition parties cancelled a demonstration in Kigali against renewed violence in the south of the country.

4.   Marcel Bassene, chairman of the Casamance Peace Management Committee, attributed the renewed violence to a split within the MFDC.

5.   And investors are concerned about the renewed violence in Hebron and Gaza, he said.

6.   Arafat this week predicted renewed violence should the peace process collapse.

7.   Arafat vowed to crack down on Palestinian terrorists, like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who pledged renewed violence.

8.   As the talks went on, renewed violence flared out between Israeli troops and Palestinian rioters in the West Bank and The Gaza Strip.

9.   As the talks went on, renewed violence flared between Israeli troops and Palestinian rioters in the West Bank and The Gaza Strip.

10.   Barak has shown a striking readiness to assign the blame for any renewed violence to President Hafez Assad of Syria.

a. + violence >>共 528
domestic 11.88%
political 6.86%
ethnic 2.83%
sectarian 2.65%
recent 2.51%
escalating 2.36%
latest 2.35%
further 2.14%
new 2.06%
renewed 1.89%
renewed + n. >>共 700
interest 5.89%
violence 4.63%
concern 3.37%
effort 3.24%
attack 2.23%
call 2.06%
talk 1.97%
pressure 1.95%
confidence 1.89%
tension 1.76%
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