1.   I would always recommend buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one.

2.   I would strongly recommend buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one.

3.   We also recommend buying good-quality paint.

4.   As with the telephone companies, several analysts recommended buying electricity companies to lower Brazil risk even as they lowered their exposure to the country.

5.   Borja is recommending buying shares in Alaska Milk Corp. and ice cream maker Selecta Dairy Products Inc.

6.   Bragg recommends buying only from a dealer you trust until you feel comfortable that you know enough to buy on your own.

7.   A number of brokerage houses have recommended buying BellSouth stock, predicting that shares will rise.

8.   Air Force officials conducting the tests said much more research on the Libelle suit was needed before they could recommend buying it.

9.   Carrier said she favors banks Banco Ganadero SA and Banco Industrial Colombiana, while she recommends buying Cementos Diamante SA as a long-term investment.

10.   Chamberlain once recommended buying some of them, but she no longer does.

v-ing buying >>共 233
consider 12.79%
start 11.05%
stop 9.13%
begin 8.48%
keep 5.20%
continue 3.37%
recommend 3.09%
end_up 2.58%
avoid 2.25%
see 1.73%
recommend v-ing >>共 471
using 7.08%
buying 3.96%
taking 2.22%
keeping 1.62%
making 1.44%
starting 1.32%
giving 1.26%
closing 1.14%
selling 1.14%
setting_up 1.14%
每页显示:    共 66