1.   As the protest spread at least three airports reported they would be out of aviation fuel by this morning.

2.   The protest spread to the capital Seoul and other parts of the country.

3.   And the agricultural protest is spreading to the prairie provinces, where farmers have been fined and even jailed for daring to sell their produce on the free market.

4.   Anti-American protests spread across Pakistan Thursday as authorities prepared to deal with massive demonstrations planned Friday after Muslim prayers.

5.   But the protests have not spread very far beyond Belgrade.

6.   Earlier this month, striking coal miners blockaded several key railways and the labor protests spread.

7.   Election protests have already spread to other parts of the country.

8.   From there the protest spread outward until it had engulfed much of the campus in a generalized rebellion against authority, war and civilized restraint.

9.   In affluent Whitefish Bay, Wis., parent protests spread to the point that legislators canceled tests as the graduation requirement.

10.   Inside Syria, they give warning that protests could spread from secular reformists to the Muslim Brotherhood.

n. + spread >>共 1255
disease 4.98%
cancer 4.02%
fire 3.95%
word 3.82%
air 2.35%
rumor 2.30%
virus 2.21%
violence 1.79%
news 1.39%
protest 1.39%
protest + v. >>共 412
be 24.52%
continue 4.48%
come 3.91%
take 3.84%
begin 3.81%
erupt 3.39%
end 3.02%
turn 2.82%
spread 1.91%
follow 1.88%
每页显示:    共 77