1.   The curator of Edinburgh zoo has proposed adding a few specimens to the zoo collection.

2.   And the Democratic plans propose adding a standardized drug benefit in traditional Medicare.

3.   Bush has proposed allowing private insurance companies to compete for Medicare clients, while Gore has proposed adding a subsidy for prescription drug coverage to the current Medicare plan.

4.   Clinton has proposed adding a drug insurance plan to Medicare under which premiums would be waived for low-income people.

5.   Gomez has proposed adding a research center and a corps of trained guards to protect both parks.

6.   He proposed adding weekend schooling, a concept that could be especially helpful to those children who can use all the time they can get with skilled educators.

7.   In reply, Microsoft marketing manager Phil Holden proposed adding another task, downloading the Comdex Web page.

8.   The Environmental Protection Agency today added one hazardous waste site in Brunswick to the federal Superfund list, and proposed adding a second.

9.   The USW said WCI proposed adding a few cents per hour to its existing defined contribution plan.

10.   The union has agreed to the concept of such a draft but has proposed adding some elements that would require bargaining with the clubs.

v-ing adding >>共 114
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eliminating 2.26%
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sending 1.88%
spending 1.83%
adding 1.27%
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