1.   Essential oils can be sprayed around the sick room to prevent the spread of infection during epidemics.

2.   For over two Decades the USA sought to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.

3.   In an effort to contain the disease and prevent its spread, our rights to rights of way are temporarily suspended.

4.   Information is needed too about the part the patient is expected to play in preventing the spread of infection.

5.   Knowing the facts about AIDS can prevent the spread of the disease.

6.   One was to segregate lepers in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

7.   Over two million sheep have been culled to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease.

8.   Remember, treat all contacts to prevent spread.

9.   Some strains of bees prevent the spread of the disease by removing the rotting larvae.

v. + spread >>共 276
prevent 20.33%
stop 9.05%
control 4.55%
curb 4.55%
halt 4.34%
slow 3.58%
fight 3.04%
stem 2.66%
limit 2.28%
reduce 2.11%
prevent + n. >>共 1204
attack 3.54%
violence 1.93%
spread 1.72%
people 1.65%
company 0.97%
infection 0.92%
recurrence 0.88%
problem 0.87%
cancer 0.87%
disease 0.85%
每页显示:    共 373