1.   They raised help on a cell phone but were unable to offer details about their location.

2.   The moving image has immediacy and can offer vivid detail.

3.   Although other Japanese companies have also announced sweeping reorganizations, they have offered few details and tended to downplay their intent to pare their workforce.

4.   Although the administration offered details about its evidence, there were still unanswered questions.

5.   Amazon.com will run its own commercials to stimulate holiday shopping, Roberts said, declining to offer details.

6.   And aides declined to offer details such as how long the interviews lasted.

7.   And in addition to mandatory drug testing of prisoners and parolees, he called for expanding drug treatment programs for noncriminals, though he offered no details.

8.   Another report offered detail on the condition of the human remains, and laid out some of the problems of the investigators.

v. + detail >>共 314
give 34.17%
provide 15.17%
release 5.68%
discuss 4.98%
disclose 4.04%
have 3.31%
offer 3.07%
reveal 2.66%
announce 1.82%
work_out 1.77%
offer + n. >>共 1031
service 4.65%
advice 1.73%
detail 1.62%
support 1.47%
help 1.35%
explanation 1.32%
evidence 1.09%
job 1.09%
opportunity 1.08%
discount 1.03%
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