1.   A few concerts were organised in connection with national holidays - for example on railworkers day or at officially sanctioned Youth parties.

2.   And as you head out to grab lunch, it seems as if an unofficial national holiday has been Declared.

3.   In the national betting holiday just past, teen-agers were full players in the spree.

4.   My sister and I continue to be venerated by our people, who built shrines and Declared national holidays in our honor.

5.   On days of national holiday we had a parade, Marching up and down and singing patriotic songs.

6.   Workers are given a compensatory day off when a national holiday falls on a weekend.

7.   The government decreed a national holiday.

8.   The President issued a decree making the day a national holiday.

9.   The day after I arrived, I experienced my first British holiday-Bank Holiday, a national holiday where everything is closed for the day.

a. + holiday >>共 874
national 19.95%
public 11.32%
jewish 5.05%
religious 3.05%
long 2.60%
major 1.97%
muslim 1.94%
year-end 1.26%
annual 1.23%
family 0.87%
national + n. >>共 884
security 5.88%
team 4.56%
championship 3.70%
television 2.42%
election 2.20%
holiday 2.00%
interest 1.40%
title 1.40%
unity 1.36%
champion 1.13%
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