1.   Although the seaweed is harmless to humans, it contains a toxin that can interfere with the eggs of many marine animals and can kill many microscopic marine organisms.

2.   An area recreational facility closed its lake Thursday because of a microscopic organism linked to the deaths of two swimmers.

3.   - Mold, a simple microscopic organism, can be found both indoors and outdoors.

4.   But according to one team, they include many embryos in various stages of development, and possibly even the fertilized egg of a microscopic organism.

5.   Dr. Burkholder discovered a new microscopic marine organism which is responsible for the deaths of millions of fish each year on the East Coast of the United States.

6.   Eventually, however, both sides determined they had similar microscopic organisms.

7.   If they were microscopic organisms, we would call them parasites.

8.   Measurements by the restoration team indicate that microscopic organisms that eat fuel oil are now multiplying in the newly oxygen-rich environment.

9.   More than a century ago, anthrax became the first disease definitely known to be caused by the microscopic organisms we call bacteria.

10.   Mold is an ancient and pervasive microscopic organism.

a. + organism >>共 250
living 17.02%
modified 6.28%
marine 4.58%
microscopic 3.66%
infectious 2.62%
different 1.96%
new 1.70%
individual 1.70%
disease-causing 1.70%
single-celled 1.70%
microscopic + n. >>共 279
organism 4.27%
examination 4.12%
particle 3.82%
life 2.90%
plant 2.75%
analysis 1.98%
creature 1.53%
parasite 1.53%
level 1.53%
alga 1.37%
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