1.   LISBURN Borough Council will match any offer made by Lisburn Sports Advisory Committee to help finance the new Lisburn Youth Football League.

2.   Also, the Patriots would have the right to match the offer, which they would certainly do.

3.   Amonte was a restricted Group II free agent, enabling Chicago to match any offers made for him by other teams or receive draft picks as compensation.

4.   Analysts said American Cyanamid was evidently unable to find other bidders to match the offer.

5.   And even then, old tenants would have the option of staying on by matching the offer.

6.   Another problem is the new collective-bargaining agreement, which eliminated the ability of the Clippers to match an offer from another team.

7.   Any other team signing a franchise player would forfeit two first-round picks if the original team does not match the offer.

8.   As a restricted free agent, the Stars have the right to match any offer on Matvichuk.

9.   As a restricted free agent, Buffalo could have matched any offers other teams made for him or received draft picks as compensation.

10.   As it turned out, the Raiders essentially scared teams away with their right to match any offer Hostetler received.

v. + offer >>共 474
make 15.69%
reject 14.52%
accept 10.90%
receive 4.09%
refuse 3.59%
match 3.15%
decline 3.08%
have 2.85%
consider 2.46%
withdraw 2.26%
match + n. >>共 1358
offer 5.18%
career 2.62%
expectation 2.21%
description 2.14%
season 1.77%
number 1.20%
team 0.94%
fund 0.90%
one 0.87%
performance 0.87%
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