1.   And this was not an isolated incident.

2.   At first, I wrote these off as isolated incidents.

3.   At the other end of the scale three cases allegedly had been limited to one isolated incident.

4.   But he insisted they were only isolated incidents.

5.   I assume this is an isolated incident, as the Windows message that comes up would surely alert any keen quality controller.

6.   It is not an isolated incident.

7.   Luckily the attack turned out to be an isolated incident.

8.   One apparently isolated incident can vividly illustrate a more generalized pattern of family life.

a. + incident >>共 800
separate 10.72%
similar 5.46%
violent 4.61%
latest 4.57%
shooting 4.40%
isolated 4.00%
recent 2.90%
serious 2.74%
second 2.70%
such 2.56%
isolated + n. >>共 670
thunderstorm 21.12%
shower 12.65%
incident 6.75%
area 4.25%
case 3.42%
tornado 1.77%
settlement 1.71%
village 1.71%
country 1.63%
storm 1.29%
每页显示:    共 322