1.   An indefinite curfew was imposed on seven police districts in the city and troops were called in to restore order.

2.   Meanwhile, a curfew was imposed in Pristina, the provincial capital.

3.   The army is now on patrol in Srinagar and a curfew has been imposed.

4.   Many northern cities, including New Delhi, were paralysed by rioting students and in many instances curfews were imposed and the Army called in to restore order.

5.   The unrest particularly affected industrial areas of the Transvaal, and a night-time curfew was imposed in Toekomsrus.

6.   As in previous years the Israeli security forces began imposing curfews in the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the days leading up to the anniversary.

v. + curfew >>共 98
impose 43.67%
lift 11.96%
enforce 5.20%
clamp 5.03%
declare 2.95%
have 2.60%
break 2.17%
violate 1.65%
extend 1.65%
announce 1.47%
impose + n. >>共 574
sanction 18.02%
restriction 6.67%
curfew 5.58%
ban 4.45%
penalty 3.65%
limit 3.18%
control 2.87%
tax 2.81%
fine 2.50%
rule 2.34%
每页显示:    共 501