1.   A good education will equip your children to get a good job.

2.   A good job offers a programme of training and career development.

3.   And now I have a good job, one I like.

4.   And Susan had a good hourly job to help supplement our income.

5.   Ask if they did a good job.

6.   Critics might say that neural networks just do a good job of keeping statistics.

7.   For an eagle who had been so ill Minch was doing a good job being terrifying.

8.   Good job I remembered the garlic press.

9.   Good job, John!

10.   Good jobs are few and far between these days.

a. + job >>共 748
new 9.90%
good 7.26%
better 4.28%
top 2.82%
starting 2.80%
first 2.17%
great 2.14%
full-time 2.00%
coaching 1.76%
part-time 1.59%
good + n. >>共 855
news 5.65%
time 3.35%
thing 3.15%
idea 2.33%
reason 2.30%
job 2.06%
chance 1.77%
health 1.69%
condition 1.43%
one 1.20%
每页显示:    共 1669