1.   A bunch of fresh flowers on the table always looks welcoming.

2.   Cissy Patterson, publisher of the Washington Times-Herald, had fresh flowers brought aboard at stopping places along the way.

3.   Crisp linens and fresh flowers add the final, comforting touch.

4.   Every week someone comes and places fresh flowers on her grave.

5.   Fresh flowers were entwined in her hair.

6.   Inside, fresh flowers brighten every table and Deco-style light fixtures bathe the room in a soft copper glow.

7.   Nevertheless I like to have a constant supply of fresh flowers in the house.

8.   She insisted on fresh flowers every day placed next to a photograph of Stephen and herself at the opening night of Crystal Springs.

9.   The living come, murmuring with fresh flowers, their maps fluttering like white flags in the slight breeze.

10.   The only embellishment was a small bunch of fresh flowers placed in a vase at her feet.

a. + flower >>共 733
fresh 6.35%
white 5.64%
yellow 3.67%
pink 2.36%
dried 2.12%
red 2.08%
blue 1.87%
silk 1.76%
tiny 1.73%
small 1.69%
fresh + n. >>共 1012
fruit 3.80%
air 3.73%
water 3.11%
start 2.63%
election 2.19%
herb 1.35%
flower 1.28%
food 1.25%
vegetable 1.20%
lead 1.17%
每页显示:    共 179