1.   Jo put us onto this fantastic French restaurant.

2.   We got incredibly good service at that French restaurant.

3.   They drank some spirits in the Amsterdam, then repaired to a French restaurant on the Malone Road, where seats were booked.

4.   Also, even the priciest French restaurants often fail to offer lighted menus on the wall directly behind the cash register.

5.   Although we had planned a heady weekend of fancy French restaurants and hang-gliding, I also had a lot of work that I needed to do.

6.   And the food processor, the original, the real thing, the Robot-Coupe, used in French restaurants but later deracinated.

7.   And sometimes businesses have successfully defended the need to maintain their authenticity, for instance by hiring French chefs in a French restaurant.

8.   And Vongerichten has hired both women and blacks, which is worth noting because it is so rare in fancy French restaurants.

9.   As kids, we would go to the ballet, the theater, and French restaurants.

10.   As an opening gambit for the visit, Albright took Ivanov to dinner Tuesday night at Les Pinasse, a French restaurant at the St. Regis Hotel.

a. + restaurant >>共 1000
new 5.51%
chinese 5.00%
local 3.74%
italian 2.97%
small 2.61%
good 2.03%
mexican 1.98%
french 1.75%
popular 1.64%
fancy 1.50%
french + n. >>共 1008
government 4.33%
official 2.71%
troop 2.03%
authority 2.02%
franc 1.87%
company 1.85%
soldier 1.54%
police 1.38%
team 1.37%
peacekeeper 1.10%
restaurant 0.28%
每页显示:    共 99