61.   Cork go through to face Turkish champions Galatasaray in the first round proper of the European Cup.

62.   Champions Randalstown begin against North Down in what is a dress rehearsal for their Winemark Ulster Shield first round tie a fortnight later at the same venue.

63.   There were plenty of thrills and spills as the first round of the East Senior knockout cup got underway.

64.   Old Parkonians figure in the Cheshire Cup first round at Tatten Hall, on Sunday.

65.   The two sides will also be meeting again at the same venue tomorrow in the first round of the Augustus Barnet Cup.

66.   First round defeat for Agassi would put him alongside Manuel Santana as the only returning champion to be eliminated in the first round.

67.   But after being knocked out in the first round of the English Derby the dog injured a hind muscle and was out of action for a long time.

68.   Redcar take on Ripon in the first round of the Yorkshire Cup and Andy Rogers replaces Jim Butcher at prop, while Mike Donoghue returns to the second row.

69.   Middlesbrough football club is knocked out of the first round of the War Cup by Bradford.

70.   After beating Huddersfield in the home leg of the first round Rumbelows Cup Mitch Cook scoring Bobby Gould brought former First Division giants West Brom to Feethams.

a. + round >>共 253
first 24.06%
second 20.70%
final 6.17%
third 6.00%
new 4.94%
next 4.84%
fourth 3.15%
latest 2.55%
opening 2.39%
the 2.24%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
每页显示:    共 6378